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Sunday 24 February 2008

Women and weight lifting

Weight training for fat loss is an absolute must these days. Many women seem afraid to do resistance training out of fear of becoming overly muscular, like the female body builders in the magazines. Let me tell you that it takes years of hard work to become like that. In fact you pretty much have to dedicate your life to it.

Strength training, 2-3 times a week, will not turn you into a female hulk! What it will do is give you the edge over your metabolism. Adding muscle to your body mass will help you burn extra calories all day long. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, which means your body has to burn calories just to sustain that muscle. So that’s extra calories burned just sitting down watching TV, or reading a book. Basically, more calories burned when you are resting.

Another thing that puts people off are the bathroom scales. They are the bane of any exercise programme. The truth is that these numbers mean very little when we consider the bigger picture, and there is no point obsessing over much you weigh. You may find that now your lifting weights, the number on the scale isn’t going down as fast. DON’T let that put you off! “My clothes feel looser, but my weight isn’t coming down?” It is perfectly normal, and at this point it’s best to focus on how your clothes fit, not the numbers on the scale. The scales aren’t moving because of the extra muscle you’re building. That doesn’t mean you have stopped burning fat.

Muscle and fat weigh about the same; it’s just that muscle is denser and takes up less room on your body. You’re aim isn’t to lose weight, its to lose fat and looked toned.

My tip would be to throw out your scales, or simply put them away until you’re more comfortable with how your body looks.

So, you’re burning extra calories doing nothing, around 50 for every extra pound of muscle. You’re looking more toned, have more energy and you’ve turbo charged your metabolism.

What are you waiting for? Get on those weights!

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